Research assistant to Prof. Matthew Weinzierl, working on a variety of topics including antitrust economics and policy, the social origins of justice, and global and historical moral foundations. Harvard Business School, Summer 2019-Present.
Research assistant to Prof. Kathryn Sikkink, working on the book The Hidden Face of Rights. Harvard Radcliffe Institute, Spring 2018.
Course Assistant for Linear Optimization and Modeling. Harvard University, Fall 2020.
Course Assistant for Privacy and Technology, a multidisciplinary course on the impact of surveillance technology on privacy and the society. Harvard University, Fall 2019.
Course Assitant for Mathematics for Computation, a course combining computational methods with linear algebra and probability theory. Harvard University, Spring 2019.
Summer tutor for the PRIMO fellowship program at HBS. Harvard Business School, Summer 2024.
Co-Chair of Harvard's Economists for Equity. Harvard University, Fall 2023-Spring 2024.
Referee for journals including The Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics and Social Choice and Welfare.